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201 W Green St - Unit 108

1 Bedroom

201 W Green St - Unit 108

The duration of the sublease is from May 13th, 2024 to July 29th, 2024 (77 days). Rent for the entire duration is $1,850. This amounts to around $720 per month (1850/77 * 30), month meaning 30 days. A security deposit of $562.50 is required (matching my original deposit). You would also need to pay utilities (water, sewage, trash, and recycling are included), including gas and electric. You would also be responsible for any fines incurred while you are subleasing the apartment. Only one person may stay at the apartment. There is one bedroom and one bathroom (i.e. no roommates). The unit is furnished. There is a washer and dryer (in-unit), dishwasher, oven, microwave, fridge, tv, couch, small table, and a desk and desk chair in the bedroom. I also have a parking spot under 609 S Randolph (same block as apartment) that you can use. The rent includes the parking spot, but there is no discount for not needing the spot. Email awt66@comcast.net if interested. You will need to have an in-person meeting with me before subleasing can occur.

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